Resultados: 3

Dificuldades educacionais de estudantes de enfermagem durante a pandemia daCOVID-19: relato de experiência

Rev Enferm UFPI; 10 (1), 2021
Objetivo:relatar as dificuldades educacionais observadas em um curso de enfermagem em meio à pandemia da COVID-19. Método:a experiência foi produzida na disciplina de Saúde Ocupacional de um curso de graduação em enfermagem de uma instituição privada de ensino superior, loca...

Reflective learning through distance education: a critical reflection on the possibilities in developing countries

To develop critical thinking skills that are typical of a reflective practitioner is for most students in nursing a difficult process. Not only is it difficult for them to evaluate themselves, but they can find it extremely difficult to evaluate their own colleagues. The process can, however, be simpli...

Evaluation of a virtual learning environment about educational actions for people with diabetes mellitus

Abstract Objective: To evaluate, from the perspective of Nursing students, a virtual learning environment about educational actions for people with diabetes mellitus. Method: A cross-sectional and descriptive study with qualitative data analysis and a sample of 71 nursing students. A questionnaire was ...